Blessed Are You, Who Has Brought Us To This Season
Aluminium, plastic, tulle, thread, natural materials

“Blessed Are You, Who Has Brought Us To This Season” is an evolutionary installation, consisting of a built structure modeled on the Jewish tradition of the Sukkah. The timing of Artist Ramble aligns with the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, our celebration of the harvest and the turning of the seasons. This tradition aligns with my art practice, as my textile work deals with the sanctification of time in relation to my body and the natural world.

The specifications for a Sukkah are simple: it must have at least three walls and you must be able to see the stars through its roof. “Blessed Are You…” features a frame with sheer tulle walls. These semi-transparent walls provide a thinner barrier than a traditional Sukkah, emphasizing our connectedness to the environment. Multiple tulle pockets are installed on each wall, catching and holding the fall’s debris, a passive harvest of leaves, twigs, and pollen. This ongoing action is participatory, not only with visitors who may place natural materials within the pockets (and in doing so strengthen the Sukkah’s structure), but also with the Hapgood Wright Town Forest itself, allowing the trees themselves to fill its walls.

I’ve been trying to reach you
Tulle, stones, sandpaper, ink, phone cord, paper, thread

This interactive installation was created in residency at Flathead Lake Biological Station. Visitors are invited to take a stone from the outside pockets, enter the booth, place the stone in the cup and add their words to the “phonebook” provided. The book’s prompt reads: what do you do when you feel far from home? How do we reach for connection and ritual when we feel lost in space? This work sends out missives, each answer like a tinny voice, traveling through the line.

Tulle, thread, found objects

Installed at The Munroe Gallery at the Concord Public Library

comfort objects
Found domestic objects, acrylic paint, charcoal, cotton poly
How much intervention is required for a household object to become dysfunctional? 
When we embellish our memories does our childhood become untrue? Or does it just become gentler?
Softening useful items until they are purposeless and beautiful.

42 39'53"N, 71 09'15" W
Cotton poly, wood, wire nails, yarn, google maps, LiDAR